- The more you like a recipe, the more your family will hate it.
- If a friend dares you to Google something, do not do it.
- Six year olds will be brutally honest about your appearance, even when their thoughts on the matter are not solicited.
- If you find yourself Googling "Is Rainbow Dash a girl or a boy," you've been watching way too much My Little Pony on Netflix.
- Do not be the least bit surprised to find that there are whole forums dedicated to the discussion of Rainbow Dash's gender.
- Rainbow Dash is a girl, in case you were wondering. But I think maybe she and Apple Jack have done some experimenting, ifyouknowwhatImean.
- Pinterest really is a life-sucking vortex that will only make you feel inadequate for not coming up with those things on your own.
- Cats will never judge you for that third cookie.
- If you haven't watched Sherlock, you must do so immediately. We need to talk about it.
- Immediately means right now. Get going!
I've had an inexplicable crush on Mr. Holmes since I started watching.
I finally realized that if you cut the hair and added glasses, he'd look like Will.
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