You know that I normally leave the political stuff to those who actually know what they're talking about, but this pisses me off too much to stay quiet.
I am not an Obama hater. He wasn't my first choice for president, but I also wasn't horribly disappointed that he won, either. Just call me a
Purple Donkephant. I point this out so you know that I'm not looking for him to fail.

Anyway, Mr. Obama is now on my List. My list of people who's testicles I would remove with a dull, dirty spoon if I had the opportunity.
Here's why.
He needs to create 500 million dollars in the budget for whatever big government program/bailout/etc... plan he has.
His solution? Make vets (retired or just separated from the military) pay for any care relating to their military service by forcing private insurance companies to cover those costs.
For example, let's say Will goes back to Iraq and gets his leg blown off. That will require care for the rest of his life (new prosthetics, physical therapy, etc...). Currently, that care is 100% free through VA hospitals. As it should be, considering that the injury occurred while he was fighting for his country. Under Obama's plan, whatever private insurance we have after retirement or separation would be forced to pay for it. Let's say we have Blue Cross. How is Blue Cross going to absorb these new expenses? They're going to raise the premiums. Not just
our premium, but everybody's. As will all other insurance companies.
And let's not forget deductibles. Maybe we'll have a $500 deductible that must be paid before the insurance will pay. That's straight out of our pocket. And what about those without private insurance? What about those who rely solely on VA care? Well, they'll be totally screwed, apparently.
And get this--it's not just those who get injured after this passes. It's retroactive. It would include everyone who is currently receiving care as well.
So, you voluntarily sign up to serve your country, you volunteer to give your life if necessary, and then your country screws you in the ass (Pardon my French).
How very patriotic of you, Mr. President.
Of course, why am I surprised? This is the man who opted to attend the Record Industry Ball rather than the Salute to Heroes Ball (where they honor soldiers) during inauguration week.
Feeling violated much?
To read about Obama's plan go
You should also stop by my friend
Vivian's blog. While I don't always agree with her, I at least find out what's going on in the world. And this post is pretty much stolen directly from her.
UPDATE: Obama has apparently come to his senses and dropped this ridiculous plan.