NINE DAYS. Maybe even seven. We'll see how that works out.
I am so unprepared for this move. Time seemed to drag on FOREVER, and I didn't do a whole lot to get ready. But now it's here and I still haven't done nearly as much as I should have at this point. I'm looking at some long hours over the next week. Wish me luck.
And while you're at it, one of you buy this for me? Pretty please? I really, really want it. (The chair I REALLY want is out of stock, probably forever. This is my second choice.) It would make a lovely housewarming gift. And my birthday is in a few months. And I'm about to be living on an unemployed housewife salary. Thank you in advance.
(If any of you decide to take me seriously, you can buy it HERE.
I can even go pick it up at the store to save on shipping.
And I will send you an autographed picture of me sitting in it while eating
Nutella straight out of the jar, with a side of bacon. That's worth it right there. )
I'll be back when my house is packed. Or maybe when the new house is unpacked. We'll see. I even have a non-divorce, non-moving related post half written. No, really! One of these days this will be a normal blog again.
Just not today.
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