Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another happenin' Saturday night with the Douglasses

First of all, it's officially Springtime because today the lawn got its first mowing since October and the boys got their hair buzzed off. I don't have any pictures because I was in a coma most of the day.

Way back before I got sick I'd promised Liam and Amelia that if they could be good all week I'd haul out the play tent and let them have a sleepover together in it. They have little steel trap memories and reminded me today that it was, in fact, time for that sleepover.

Aren't they sweet when they're unconscious?
This was after half an hour of them fighting, screaming, and beating on each
other over whether the tent should be zipped up or left open.
Will was out buying me more drugs and my throat is
pretty much too swollen shut to do more than grunt.
So, I let them fight themselves to sleep.

Then Will and I played a rousing game of Settlers of Catan, because you know, that's how all the cool kids spend Saturday night.

Also, do you see those green things in front of Will?

Those are Legos. Lego Toy Story Army Men.

So, they're toys (original army men) replicated as movie toys (Toy Story merchandise) replicated into yet another toy (Legos). Yeah, makes no sense to me either, but whatever.

Will got $20 from his mom for his birthday and that's what he bought with it. Two sets of Lego Toy Story Army Men. What do you expect from a guy who took cupcakes with sprinkles to work for his classmates on his birthday?

Now, don't let this night of fun and debauchery fool you into thinking I'm better. What those pictures didn't show was me sweating and shivering and shoving tissues up my nostrils, huffing Albuterol like a junkie, guzzling Dayquil like it's kool-aid and popping Tylenol and Advil like candy.

You know what else I was popping like candy? Candy. Peanut Butter cups, to be exact. At this point I figure I'm going to die soon anyway, so I just don't care anymore. I'm going to get my chocolate and peanut butter fix.

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