O.K., internets, exactly one month from today I am going to run my first race. I use the term "run" loosely, since I'll likely be walking for the majority of it, but still, there will be some running involved.
It's a 2 mile race on a mostly flat road in downtown Augusta, GA (It's part of the Broad Street Ramble if you're local and want to come run with me or watch me get my butt kicked).
I'm telling you about it because I keep changing my mind. You know how some people have a little angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other? Well I have a fat chick on one shoulder and a skinny chick on the other. The fat chick keeps telling me that there's no way I should even consider attempting this--That I will finish dead last, sucking the dust trail left behind by the elderly and the Special Olympics kids who beat me. The skinny chick (who, by the way, is wearing size 8 jeans today) is telling me that I can do this, and maybe I'll be last but who cares, and that I should also sign up for the 10K that takes place immediately after the 2 miler.
Anyway, I figure if I tell you I can't change my mind because you'll expect pictures and stuff, and you know I can't refuse you, internets.
I guess it's official now. The fat chick is going down.
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